Yahoomail Registration – Let us quickly look up on how to register yahoo mail account. We shall be providing you with the step just one after the other so you comfortably run a Yahoomail registration just by yourself.
Before we start with the step by step guide on Yahoomail registration, let’s refresh our mind again on yahoo as one of the platforms that provides email services just like there are google gmail, hotmail etc. It’s a free to get email service which anyone can access; an individual, organization or institution.
Created and owned by American company, yahoo has existed for years now, providing quality service to more than 280 million users, with many features and improvements.
1. Log on to; By doing this a mini form will be displayed as shown below;
* Locate the “sign up” option at the bottom of the form and click on it.
* Clicking on the sign up, takes you to the main page where you’ll find the registration form as shown here;
2. Right there, fill in the following appropriately;
* Your First name and Last name ( This is the name people will see when you send them message, ensure you fill it correctly)
* Enter email address ( This is your username, ensure you chose the one you can easily remember, as it is the username that people will use to send you messages)
* Enter Password (Chose a very strong password that will be hard for others to guess but very easy for you to remember. And remember not to share with anyone)
* Enter your mobile phone number (Ensure you enter the phone number accurately, as you will be sent a code through the number in order to verify your account)
* Fill in your birth day, month and year
* Enter your gender
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* Proceed to the “Continue’ by clicking it.
* At this point, yahoo will request to verify your phone number. Select between the two methods to get your verification code either by text or voice call
* Having done this, a code will be sent to you, enter the code in the appropriate code box provided and proceed to verify.
* After this, click on create my account. With this, your account is successfully created! At this point you can then log in to your yahoo mail account.
Hope this article really enlightens you on the yahoomail registration. be kind to share with friends so they can learn more.
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