Download NYSC Biometric Capture Software | Free Version (All OS)

Download NYSC Biometric Capture Software | Free Version (All OS).

Until recently, the National Youth Service Corps allowed their prospective corps members to use the browser to capture their fingerprints.

However, now you can do that only via the NYSC biometric capture client. This post will guide you on how to download and use NYSC biometric capture software for online registration.

There is no much technicality in using the NYSC biometric print capture software, so stay with us as we take you through. Also, in this article, you will learn how to solve biometric-related problems during NYSC online registration.

How to Download NYSC Biometrics Capture Software

Follow the steps below to download and install the NYSC biometric client on your computer;

  1. Go to the NYSC biometric client portal at
  2. Download the Pre-requisites file below depending on your system.

32 bit Installation or 64-bit Installation

  1. Click on install to download the setup.exe file
  2. Run the downloaded file on your PC and follow the installation guides.
  3. When the installation is complete, reboot your computer.

If everything went well, you will see the biometrics capture icon on your computer. You can ‘doubled click’ on the icon to launch the software and start using it.

How to Fix Common Errors During the Installation

  • Make sure your internet connection service is working well.
  • Ensure you are not using an internet connection us not using a special IP configuration.
  • Install prerequisite software for your Windows version. (Download the 32 or 64-bit version as required by your computer).
  • It is recommended to install this software on the computer that runs Windows 7.

Now, that you have the software (NYSC biometric capture client) installed on your computer, let me show you how to use it.

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How to use the NYSC Biometrics Capture Client for NYSC Online Registration

If you have installed the software correctly, below is how to start using it;

  1. Any time you run (open) the biometric desktop client, a login form display.
  2. Enter the email and password you used for NYSC registration.
  3. Click the “Login” button. After login, confirm that the information showing on the software is correct.
  4. Plugin your fingerprint scanner, if you have not done it.
  5. You can now begin to capture your fingerprints with the scanner. Make sure you are using the correct thumb (left or right).
  6. After capturing your fingerprints for the first time, repeat the process once again for confirmation.
  7. Save your captured fingerprints. You see a message that reads as “Congratulations your fingerprints have been captured”.
  8. Continue your NYSC registration from the main site at

Why You Should Use NYSC Biometrics Capture Software

You may ask why should go through the stress of installing the NYSC biometric desktop client when you can your browser.

Well, if you are registering for yourself alone, you can use a web client. But if you are a cybercafe man or wish to register other people, consider using the NYSC biometric capture client.

The Reasons are as follows;

  • You will save time in finding a way to fix numerous errors associated with the web client.
  • You do not need to install Java. Making it easy to set up.
  • You do not need to bother yourself with the security settings
  • It works very fast as it takes an average of 2 minutes to capture one person.

What’s your take on this article? Kindly leave your comments below, if you have any other questions about NYSC biometric capture software, you can use the comment box below.

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